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Moving to Canada was Tempting

In 2022, I spent 8 weeks of my summer in Toronto, Canada as a college summer missionary through the Baptist Student Union. I learned so much about missionaries, big city culture, and evangelism! Even more so, I was able to practice my evangelism in a place filled with lost people who were made accessible by public transportation, parks, and campus ministry. You can read more in detail about the prayer requests, lessons, and stories I had from the summer in my newsletters linked below! (Request access from your google account, which will help me ensure that sensitive information is kept private!)

I'm so proud to say that I was able to form strong connections with people both serving on the field from America and residing in Toronto. It's over a year later, and I have seen 4 people who were fellow missionaries on my team, one of which lives in Boston! Through social media, I still have connections to a couple of the people who go to the church I interned at and to a girl I shared the Gospel with. This isn't a promo for BSU Summer Missions or the city of Toronto, but it could be!

Collage of Toronto Summer 2022 Pictures

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